Does social media make you feel more or less connected to people? This an excellent question to ask ourselves and reevaluate on occasion.

If I answer the above question honestly, the answer for me is yes and no. But more no than yes.
Social media has its place, and I have my moments with social media. But often, I can get overloaded and need to disconnect.
The algorithms make this worse. I looked at an ad for a creative travel trailer, not because I want one or can buy one but cause it looked neat. I am a photographer; after all, curiosity and exploration are in my veins. Now everything in my feed is vans, trailers, and people traveling in trailers. Oh! Please give it a rest.
I follow people and converse with people, but all on a superficial level. Yes, I have met a few I connect with on a deeper level. And Yes, I see and chat with people I have known most of my life. So there is a good side to social media.
But social media is no substitute for real-life human interaction. Actual conversation with a cup of coffee in your hand, looking out over a grand vista, or walking thru a light-filled forest.
Life is meant to be lived, not observed. We are meant to connect with people on a deeper, more meaningful level. Take time to nurture those friendships, family relationships, and our children.
Then next convention, workshop, retreat or conference you attend remember life is about connecting people. Take time and connect with God, nature, his creations and people. That is what makes us rich.
Project - My thoughts and Ramblings
A 52-week Introspective Writing Project - Feb 2023
Week 7: Connections